Yes, we have an affiliate "partner program" and it’s really easy to join!

How to get started

If you have a website, blog, Facebook page or an email then you’re halfway there. To get started, fill out our application form.

Once approved, you’ll be provided with banners, text links, and instructions on how to get your partner program up and running.

Earning Commission

Also included will be your unique tracking code that will give you the commission for customers who purchase Madcap University or Puppy Culture products.

When someone clicks on any of the Madcap Radio, Madcap University or Puppy Culture banners, links or images that you have placed on your website, in an email, or on social media and makes a purchase (even up to 180 days later), you’ll receive a 5% commission.

It is paid straight into your PayPal account at the end of each month.

We use 180-day tracking cookies, so a visitor who clicks on a banner or link from your site can purchase anytime within 6 months and you will still receive your commission.

Join today

For more information and to sign up to our partner program click here.